What is the Disulfiram Tablet (Alcohol De-addiction)?
Disulfiram tablet is a medication used to help users to get rid of an alcohol addiction. It is an alcohol de-addiction tablet. It will work by producing an interaction with the alcohol and make the consumers not to consume alcohol while on this medication. Interactions such as vomiting, headache ect, but it is normal and cause no effect.
How to use Disulfiram Tablet?
We can consume disulfiram tablets with food or without food. This will not create any issue for the alcohol relief treatment. Consume 1 tablets each day without fail. Take this tablet at night is advisable. If you want someone to consume without knowing them? Then you can mix it with their food. The important notice is not to skip any of the dosages.
Common Side effects
Some of the common side effects while consuming the disulfiram tablets are:
- Headache
- Feeling tired
- Feeling Sleepy
- Not feeling hungry
Having any of the above symptoms will not lead to any serious issue.
When You Should Not Consume Alcohol De-addiction Tablet?
Pregnancy – If you are a pregnant woman, then please don’t consume this alcohol de-addiction tablet.
Breastfeeding – If you are breastfeeding your child, then you should not have this alcohol de-addiction tablet.
Driving – As this alcohol de-addiction tablet may cause you to be drowsy, so it is better to avoid consuming this tablet while driving.
How Long It Will Take To Become Alcohol Free?
If you did not skip any of the dosage for at least 30 days, you can easily become alcohol free. Some may take up to 60 days because of heavy addiction to alcohol. Finally, we can expect the significant result with in 30 to 60 days.
Where Can I Buy this Tablet?
You can buy this tablet online in the following link.